Title: Using Khan Academy to Effectively Enhance High School Math Instruction through Best Practices and Research-based Principles
Presenters: Hanna Kramer Negin, Ed.D. & Jared Bucker, Ph.D., Associate Professor & Institutional Review Board Representative, Abraham S. Fischler College of Education & School of Criminal Justice, Palm Beach
Description: The purpose of this session is to disseminate findings which resulted from an NSU Doctoral dissertation. The goal of the study was to determine if students’ mathematics skills (achievement scores, the dependent variable) would be affected by active learning strategies. This quantitative, pre/post case study compared 10th-grade students’ math scores before and after an active learning strategy, Achievement scores were assessed using Measures of Academic Progress (MAP). MAP was developed by the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) and is a computer-adaptive interim assessment tool that measures academic progress in mathematic concepts, language usage, and proficiency. Khan Academy, a type of Professional Learning Community (PLC) was used as a treatment variable in this research and is an effective online, scholastic resource used to enhance student engagement. The primary findings of this study indicated that PLCs are easily integrating into math courses and offer beneficial strategies which increase academic achievement. This educational cultural framework offers supplemental course materials and is used by educators to inspire, connect and identify learning goals as demonstrated by increased MAP scores by the study's participants and the student’s progress towards those goals. In this study, the PLC consisted of the online materials offered by Khan Academy, administrated by math teachers, the department chair and the head of school. It is hoped that the audience will benefit from exposure to these best practices gleaned from this practical and beneficial research.
Learning Outcomes: