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Grant Writing Mentoring Program


Hosted by the NSU Grant Writing Lab and Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine, the Grant Writing Mentoring Program supports early-career researchers (i.e., those who do not have past success in winning external grant funding for their work) in the grant seeking process.


The mentoring program pairs established researchers (i.e., those with experience and success applying for and winning research funding) with early-career faculty with the aim of writing and submitting an internal or external grant application by the end of the program period.


The overarching goal is to increase the capacity (i.e., knowledge and skills) of NSU researchers early in their careers to find, apply for, and be competitive to receive grant support for their research.


This goal is accomplished through a year-long program that features one-on-one meetings between mentees and their mentors, check-ins with the program’s Advisory Committee, customized grantsmanship trainings, a grant writing handbook, and utilization of NSU’s broader research infrastructure and resources.


Call for Mentees!

The call for early-career researchers to participate in the 2023-2024 is closed. Stay tuned for calls for future programs announced to the "NSU Research" listserv. (Email to be added to the listserv.)


Mentee Criteria & Commitment

A mentee is a full-time faculty member interested in pursuing a research career, who is early in their career (assistant or associate professor), and who does not have past success winning external grant funding for their work. Mentees must have their dean’s approval to participate (a signed dean’s letter will be solicited before acceptance to the program). Most importantly, all mentees must commit to submitting a research proposal to either an internal or external funding opportunity by the end of the mentoring program period. They will be supported along the way by required meetings with their mentors and members of the Advisory Committee as well as through other grant writing resources at NSU.


Mentees must read the "Mentee Agreement Form" linked in the program application to ensure they can commit to all required program components.


Application for Mentees

Full-time NSU faculty fitting the above Mentee Criteria & Commitment as outlined above, should submit an application online. Prospective Mentees can submit an application by following the below instructions during the open recruitment period for the program in January.


Apply as a Mentee:

  • Eligible Mentees (i.e., full-time assistant and associate professors at NSU) will receive an invitation to apply in their email inbox in January. This invitation is sent at the start of the open recruitment period for Mentees.
  • Click the provided application link, which will launch a form to collect more information about the Mentee, their research interests, and other key information.
  • The information Mentees provide in the above form will be used by the program’s Advisory Committee to facilitate Mentee selection and matching with a Mentor. 
  • Application for the 2023-2024 program is now closed. Stay tuned for calls for future programs announced to the "NSU Research" listserv. (Email to be added to the listserv.)


Questions? Email


Mentor Criteria & Commitment

A mentor is a full-time faculty member who has received significant external sponsored funding and who holds the rank of associate or full professor. Mentors must have a current research agenda and their dean’s approval to participate (a signed dean’s letter will be solicited before the program begins). Most importantly, all mentors must commit to supporting their mentee to submit a research proposal to either an internal or external funding opportunity by the end of the mentoring program period. They will be supported along the way by required meetings with their mentees and members of the Advisory Committee as well as through other grant writing resources at NSU.

The 12-month (2023-2024) mentoring program supported 11 Mentees and 11 Mentors from six colleges--KPCOM, Psychology, Optometry, Pharmacy, Fischler, and Computing & Engineering. Thank you Mentees for your commitment and to Mentors for guiding them!




The program resulted in grant submissions to the following:

  • NIH SuRE
  • NIH SuRE-First
  • NIH Katz
  • FL Department of Health
  • Alzheimer's Association
  • International Brain Research Organization
  • President's Research Grant
  • Dooley Trust
  • Health Professions Division Research Grant



The 2021-2022 program supported 12 Mentors and 12 Mentees from nine NSU colleges--MD College, Dental, Halmos, HCBE, Health Care Sciences, Nursing, Optometry, KPCOM, and Pharmacy. Many thanks to our Mentees and Mentors for the dedication of their time and expertise to this program!




The program resulted in grant submissions to the following:

  • American Academy of Optometry
  • American Heart Association
  • National Institutes of Health
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • President's Faculty Research & Development Grant
  • Quality of Life Grant
  • Health Professions Division Research Grant



Advisory Committee

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