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NSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)


NSU promotes the highest standards of animal care and use and is committed to the humane care and treatment of all animals being used for research. The animal care and use program at NSU provides training, state of the art facilities, and personnel to facilitate hands-on medical research utilizing animals. 

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is charged with the responsibility of ensuring proper care, use, and humane treatment of animals in research, testing, and education. The IACUC is a group of faculty, veterinarians, staff, and community members appointed by the NSU Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer to evaluate and oversee animal use in research at Nova Southeastern University. The IACUC provides assistance to investigators in fulfilling their obligation to plan and conduct animal experiments in accord with the highest scientific, humane, and ethical principles. The IACUC also conducts inspections of all areas where animals are housed and used, reviews the institutional program for animal use, and reports its findings to the NSU Institutional Official semi-annually. 

All investigators utilizing animals in their research must have an approved protocol on file with the NSU Institutional Care and Use Committee (IACUC). For more information and to submit an application, please email:


The NSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) transitioned to an electronic submission system called IRBManager™ effective September 1st, 2021. This electronic submission system allows for a more efficient method to submit, review, and approve IACUC research submissions.

All individuals involved in research with animal subjects, including investigators (P.I. and Co. P.I.), members of the research team (i.e. research personnel), and IACUC members must create an IRBManager™ account. All currently active protocols have already been imported into the system for use and viewing. For assistance accessing, submitting and viewing protocols, please refer to NSU IACUC IRBMANAGER™ User Guide. 

Protocols must be received by the first of each month by 5:00pm to be reviewed at that months IACUC meeting.  All protocols received after this date and time will be reviewed at the next month’s IACUC meeting. 

Important Resources

Creating an IRBManager™ Account

NSU IRBManager™ IACUC User Guide

NSU IRBManager™ IACUC Reviewer User Guide

To be directed to the IRBManager™website:

To Create and IRBManager™ Account:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on "Click here to register".
  3. Enter the requested information into the registration form.
    • NSU researchers need to use their official NSU email address.
    • The study PI may not use personal email account because all official correspondences from the IRB can only be sent to your official NSU email address.
    • For researchers without an NSU email (i.e. a non-NSU student, staff, or faculty), please use an email account for professional correspondence.

       4. Once completed, click "Register".

IMPORTANT NOTE: All NSU students, faculty, and staff must use their official NSU email address when registering for IRBManager™.

Starting a new IACUC Initial Submission Form:

  1. Go to:
  2. Create or log into your IRBManager™ account.
  3. Select either “IACUC”, “IRB” or “Show Everything”
  4. Select Home located on the upper left-hand side of screen.
  5. Under the Actions column on the left-hand side of the screen, click IACUC Initial Submission Form.
  6. Follow instructions to complete the electronic IACUC Initial Submission Form.

Starting an IACUC Annual Renewal Form:

  1. Go to:
  2. Log into your IRBManager™ account.
  3. Select Home located on the upper left-hand side of screen.
  1. Under My IRB Nos. (last section towards the center of the page) select the IRB No. (IACUC Number) in which you would like to submit your IACUC Annual Renewal Form for.
  2. Click on ‘Start xForm’ located under the Actions column on the left-hand side of the screen.
  3. Select the IACUC Annual Renewal Form.
  4. Follow instructions to complete the electronic IACUC Annual Renewal Form

Starting an IACUC Protocol Closure xForm:

  1. Go to:
  2. Log into your IRBManager™ account.
  3. Select Home located on the upper left-hand side of screen.
  1. Under My IRB Nos. (last section towards the center of the page) select the IRB No. (IACUC Number) in which you would like to submit your IACUC Protocol Closure Form for.
  2. Click on "Start xForm" located under the Actions column on the left-hand side of the screen.
  3. Select the IACUC Protocol Closure Form.
  4. Follow instructions to complete the electronic IACUC Protocol Closure xForm

Starting an IACUC Deviation or Adverse Event xForm:

  1. Go to:
  2. Log into your IRBManager™ account.
  3. Select "Home" located on the upper left-hand side of screen.
  4. Under My IRB Nos. (last section towards the center of the page) select the IRB No. (IACUC Number) in which you would like to submit your IACUC Deviation or Adverse Event for.
  5. Click on "Start xForm" located under the Actions column on the left-hand side of the screen.
  6. Select the "IACUC Deviation or Adverse Event.”
  7. Follow instructions to complete the electronic IACUC Deviation or Adverse Event

Assistance with Issues in IRBManager™

***Do not contact NSU OIT or IRBManager™ for assistance with IRBManager™***

Please contact the IACUC Administration via email at or via office phone at 954-262-7590 with any questions or issues you have regarding the IRBManager™ electronic submission system.

If possible, please take and send a screen shot of the issue you are having as it will help us to better assist you.



The IACUC meets monthly or as necessary to review and approval all animal research.

Meeting Dates


January 11th, 2024

July 11th, 2024

February 8th, 2024

August 8th, 2024

March 7th, 2024

 September 12th, 2024

April 11th, 2024

October 10th, 2024

May 9th, 2024

November 14th, 2024

June 13th,2024

December 12th, 2024

Protocols must be received by the 1st of each month by 5:00pm to be reviewed at that months IACUC meeting.

The NSU IACUC requires all individuals participating in research and/or teaching involving animal subjects to receive training.  NSU utilizes the CITI Program to provide online training and certification for animal care, treatment, and use. Training must be completed by each individual prior to working with animals and entering the CCR Vivarium where animals are housed.  Individual personnel may be assigned additional training based on the specific needs of the animal protocol(s) on which they are listed. The IACUC administration and vivarium manager will assign and manage protocol-specific training and education.

Individuals can access the CITI Program training at 

Please direct any questions regarding the IACUC training requirements to

NSU is committed to upholding the highest standards of animal welfare. Please help us by doing your part to report noncompliance, adverse events, and animal welfare concerns. To report animal welfare concerns, please contact the IACUC administration at

To report anonymously 24 hours/7 days week, please contact the Ethics and Compliance Reporting Hotline at 888-609-NOVA (888-609-6682).

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