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Work as a Peer Writing Consultant

Want to make a difference while developing your own writing and communication skills? The NSU Write from the Start Writing and Communication Center is searching for enthusiastic and qualified students to join our team of Peer Writing Consultants.

As a Peer Writing Consultant, you'll have the opportunity to support fellow students in their writing journeys, from brainstorming ideas to revising final drafts. You'll gain valuable experience in tutoring, communication, and critical thinking, all while making a positive impact on the NSU community.

Federal Work Study

We are looking for graduate and undergraduate students who qualify for Federal Work Study to work as peer writing tutors. Here’s how to apply:

  • Using Sharklink, navigate to Job X, and search “(1493) Undergraduate Peer Writing Fellow” or “(1494) Graduate Peer Writing Fellow”

NSU Student Employment   

We also hire students looking to work through Nova Student Employment. Here’s how to apply:

  • Using Sharklink, navigate to JobX, and search “(1225)(UG) Undergraduate Peer Writing Fellow” or “(1229) Graduate Peer Writing Fellow”
Should you have additional questions or concerns, please email the executive director of the Writing and Communication Center at

Contact Us

The WCC space is on the fourth floor of the Alvin Sherman Library, room 430.

Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Phone: (954) 262-4644
Social Media: @nsuwcc

Email and phone messages are checked throughout the day seven days a week, with limited hours on weekends. Consultations are also offered remotely via Zoom seven days a week, with some occurring outside of our physical space's hours. 

Check Consultation Times and Make an Appointment

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