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Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment Compliance Program

The Office of Human Resources (OHR) has updated NSU's Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment Compliance Program to drive greater awareness and proper disclosure by faculty and staff of potential conflicts of interest. This year, the program consists of a review of the updated Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment Policy and completion of a Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment Declaration & Disclosure Statement.

If you are a full-time or part-time faculty member (adjunct faculty are excluded) or a staff member at the level of Director or above, you are required to complete this training. New employees or employees promoted to a position at the level of Director or above will be assigned the training program during their orientation period.

The training program is located on the Convercent platform and should be completed by the deadline communicated to you when you are assigned the training program. 

Below, we have provided a link to access step-by-step instructions regarding the training program, as well as a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to the overall training program and how to navigate the online training. If you have additional questions, direct them to

For detailed, step-by-step instructions, click HERE.

Program FAQs

  • Nova Southeastern University must ensure that all decisions made by or influenced by faculty/staff members are objective and in the best interest of the University rather than for the benefit of the faculty/staff and/or family member. In addition, the University must also ensure that the time and/or effort devoted to external activities/relationships does not interfere with the faculty or staff member’s fulfillment of assigned University responsibilities, or results in the unauthorized use of University resources.
  • Completion of the NSU Conflict of Interest Compliance Training Program will ensure you 1) understand what constitutes a conflict of interest or commitment and 2) properly disclose your involvement in activities that may interfere with your primary obligation and commitment to the University.
All regular full-time and part-time faculty (excluding adjuncts) and staff members at the level of Director and above.
  • You will complete the disclosure statement as part of the NSU Conflict of Interest Compliance Program, and then on an annual basis, on October 15th, you will be e-mailed the instructions to complete another disclosure statement. 
  • All full-time and part-time faculty and staff are under a continuing obligation to report any actual/potential conflicts and/or changes in a previously reported conflict to the Dean or Vice President by submitting a new Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment Declaration & Disclosure Statement.
  • New hires or staff members receiving promotion to Director or above will be required to complete the NSU Conflict of Interest Compliance Program, which includes the completion of a slide deck training, a review of the Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment Declaration & Disclosure Policy, and completion of the Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment Declaration & Disclosure Statement. Going forward, completion of a disclosure statement will be required on an annual basis.

The Dean or Vice-President will review your disclosure information and, in consultation with OHR, determine whether it represents an actual or potential conflict of interest or commitment, and what action, if any, should be taken to eliminate or mitigate the conflict.

You will be contacted by your Dean or Vice-President to discuss the reason why you did not complete the required training and/or disclosure statement. Any subsequent action taken is at the discretion of the Dean or Vice President.

Technical Support FAQs

An Email will be generated to launch the training. Log in to Convercent using the link from the email and find "My Action Items" to access the NSU Conflict of Interest Compliance Program Training. A new window will open up as you launch the training program (be sure to allow popups for your browser).
  • The training launches in a pop-up window so enable pop-ups in your browser.
  • The training should load in the pop-up window within a few seconds. 
  • If you are still having trouble, you should contact your campus’ OIIT Tech representative for help with your system.
  • There are two sections to the NSU Conflict of Interest Compliance Program: 1) Review the Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment Declaration & Disclosure Policy and 2) Complete the Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment Declaration & Disclosure Statement. Note:You must complete the first section in order to advance to the next section.
  • The training works best with Internet Explorer or MS Edge browsers; Google Chrome can also be used.
  • Make sure that pop-ups are enabled.
  • Make sure that you are able to view the entire window - there are some sections that require you to click on a highlighted tab or button that is near the edge of the window. You may need to scroll to find these if your window is smaller than the training viewing area. 
  • If you have tried all of the above and are still having difficulties, please send an e-mail to to request assistance.
The Convercent platform does not offer the option to print a certificate of completion. Once you complete the Policy Review and the Disclosure Questionnaire, you have completed the program.
Yes, however it is recommended to access on a desktop computer for ease of typing out any disclosures.  
  • The training will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. The program requires the review of the Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment Declaration & Disclosure Policy and the completion of the Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment Declaration & Disclosure Statement.
  • Please be advised, you do not need to complete the training program all at one time.  It is recommended that you complete a section before taking a break, to ensure responses are saved. You may take as long as you need to complete the training and return to it as often as you require for completion by the deadline date of December 5, 2022.
After completion of each section of the training program, you must click the “SUBMIT” button in order to advance to the next section. Once you have clicked the SUBMIT button for each section, you will receive an e-mail confirming completion of that particular section.  In total, you should receive two (2) e-mails verifying completion of the two (2) required sections of the training program.
The Office of Human Resources and your Dean/Vice President will have access to review reports which identify the faculty and staff members who fail to complete the training requirement.
  • If you want to continue working on the NSU Conflict of Interest Compliance Program after having logged out or to review the content of the disclosures you have made, you can access those disclosures by logging into
  • Please use your NSU ID ( to log onto Convercent.  If you are logged in through single sign on, you will only need to put in your NSU ID and should be automatically logged in.
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