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Student Success, Goals, and Achievements

Nova Southeastern University considers student success central to the Mission, Vision, and Core Values of the institution. Among the ways NSU measures student success are the following: licensure examination passage rates, alumni employment status, and student learning outcomes.

Licensure Passage Rates

Students in Nursing, Education, Law, Osteopathic Medicine, Psychology, Pharmacy, Dental Medicine, Health Care Sciences, Optometry, and Marriage and Family Therapy take licensure examinations. Each program sets their own targets for student success.

Undergraduate Student 6-year Graduation Rates

In 2010, as part of Vision 2020, NSU set a 6-year undergraduate student graduation rate target of 65%, a substantial increase over the 2010 rate of 36%. In 2020, NSU achieved a 62% graduation rate. This student success measure was retained for Vision 2025 and the target increased to 72%. The most recently available graduation rate remains at 62% and efforts to achieve 72% by 2020 are underway.

Alumni Employment Status

In the 2022 Alumni Survey, more than 86% of responding alumni were working in their major field of study; more than 14% were working in a field other than their major field.

Student Learning Outcomes

Programmatic student learning outcomes are assessed on a regular basis; student success is determined by each individual academic program. Overall, 90% of the programs at NSU are meeting their goals for student success. For more information, please click here.

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