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About the Grant


projectHEAT is funded through the NSU Quality of Life Grant and BSO for the project entitled: Human Trafficking Awareness and Victim Identification in Broward County: A replication study.

Abstract: The Department of Justice and the Florida Coalition against Human Trafficking identify Florida as a primary hub for human trafficking.  Broward County is a destination for domestic minor sex trafficking and labor trafficking.  The Broward County Public Schools Office of Prevention Programs cautions that domestic minors as young as 13 years old are trafficked.  The Broward Human Trafficking Coalition (BHTC) provides resources and training for anyone who may encounter potential victims, yet this training does not specifically target health care professionals.  Health care faculty and future health care providers in Broward County lack training on human trafficking (HT) awareness and identification.  Williamson, Dutch and Clawson (2010) identified the need to include HT training in health professions curricula as victims encounter health care professionals in various community health care settings.  Kent, Colón, and Gaillard-Kenney (2011) developed and implemented HT curriculum for Nova Southeastern University faculty in the College of Health Care Sciences and the College of Nursing that focused on HT awareness, knowledge, and skills for victim identification.  The four professional development modules were designed in partnership with the BHTC, and guided by the principles of the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) and Adult Learning Theory.  The results of this study were that all participants gained HT knowledge and were willing to include HT in their curriculum.  This proposed replication study will extend the four modules to faculty in the College of Osteopathic Medicine, College of Dental Medicine, and College of Psychological Studies. 


projectHEAT was funded through the Nova Southeastern University's The President's Faculty Research and Development.

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