Mediation is an effective process for people in conflict to work through their issues and arrive at a mutually satisfying agreement. As trained and neutral third party conflict resolution specialists, our staff can assist you with communicating issues, determining interests, generating options and developing an agreeable outcome to a conflict that supports and enhances your relationship.
The mediation service is free and confidential. Mediations are scheduled to accommodate all parties. The process is not about right or wrong. It is about working out current problems and looking at options for possible solutions.
The mediation process starts with each party having the opportunity to share their view of the conflict, without interruption. You should be prepared to discuss what has brought you to mediation and what your interests and values are in the conflict. This is an opportunity to lay out your concerns, not to “make your case.” Mediation is not about proving anything; it’s about resolving differences and creating a workable agreement.
The mediators will then help you to shift gears to problem solving. Problem solving involves all parties looking at possible ways to resolve the issue at hand. As there is usually more than one issue to work on, this part of mediation requires creativity and flexibility on the part of you and the other parties. Your mediators will help you arrive at an appropriate solution that all parties are willing to agree to.
When you reach a solution that meets everyone’s needs, the mediators will assist the parties in writing an agreement for all participants to sign.
Everyone who signs the agreement will receive a copy. This agreement is a contract, and all who sign it are expected to live up to its terms.
Parties are welcome to come back to mediation at any future time to revise the agreement as necessary.
Mediation will only be as successful as you make it. Your responsibilities in mediation are to:
Remember, you construct the agreement and the mediators facilitate the mediation. You should come to the mediation ready to work toward a resolution of the problems underlying the dispute.
Mediation creates an environment where you can honestly and openly address the issues of the conflict. Confidentiality is important to this process because it allows people to work through issues and problems that they might not wish to share with others. Only those people present at the mediation know the content of the session, and the mediators are bound not to share any information relating to the content of the session outside of the mediation. For further information or to setup an appointment to discuss any of our services, please call or email us. We look forward to assisting you.