Activity Planning

Start your activity planning by downloading the Activity Planning Map Template.

Sample Activity Planning Maps: There are a variety of ways to engage youth in learning. Below are a few examples of diverse activities planning maps designed to engage youth based on their interests. These are just to get you started; the possibilities are endless!

Sample Activity Planning Map: Fashion of the Times (Arts)

Sample Activity Planning Map: Amelia Earhart Biography (Literacy/STEAM)

Sample Activity Planning Map: Matter of Opinion (SEL)

The 8 Cs of Engagement can be used during activity planning to diversify cognitive opportunities and increase youth's commitment to learning.

Summer Activities


Virtual Activities & Digital Materials for Your Program

Please note that some of these resources, while free, may require you to enter an email address and give permission to a company/organization to send you emails about services or products that are not free.

Start Here

Online Platforms and Tools

  • Video Stitching Apps -  A list of free video-editing applications for iOS, iPadOS, and Android.
  • Flip - Video discussion for assessment or engagement 

STEM Teaching Materials

Literacy Teaching Materials

Misc. Teaching Materials and Activities

Behavior Management Resources

Fitness Resources

Virtual Activities of the Week