College of Pharmacy Student Handbook 2023-2024

102 Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy 2023–2024 For security reasons, NSU ID numbers should never be used in the subject line of an email. All students must comply with the university’s acceptable use of computing resources policy. See the NSU Student Handbook, University Computer and Telecommunications Use Policy. Visit for more information. Excused Absence Policy Excused absences may be given in certain circumstances. Excused absences do not entitle a student to make up in-class quizzes, assignments, and activities. Students should refer to the course syllabus regarding missed quizzes, assignments, and activities. Examinations missed due to an excused absence will be made up at a time determined by the college. A course missed due to an extended absence may result in the student being placed in an extended program or on a leave of absence or administrative break in enrollment. Absences will require the submission of supporting documentation. Illness/Hospitalization—For excused absences due to illness/hospitalization, the Office of Student Affairs/Services designee at your campus must be notified no later than 48 hours from the first date of the absence. Religious Holidays—See the Religious Holidays Policy section in the university-wide portion of this publication. Additional dates included for travel to observe a religious holiday will not be approved. Other—Circumstances resulting in an absence not listed above (e.g., death in the immediate family, court appearance, etc.) must be cleared with the Office of Student Affairs/Services designee at your campus, preferably before the absence occurs, but no later than 48 hours from the date of the absence occurring and will require the submission of supporting documentation. An Excused Absence Documentation Form must be completed and submitted with documentation for consideration. For more information, students should contact the Office of Student Affairs/Services designee at their campus. Leave from Studies It is recognized that students may need to temporarily discontinue all coursework (including pharmacy practice experiences) either voluntarily or by administrative action. This can occur through a leave of absence (LOA) or an administrative break in enrollment. All leave time is counted toward the graduation requirement of completing the program, starting from the date of matriculation into the Silverman College of Pharmacy. 1. Leave of Absence (LOA) A leave of absence (LOA) is a university-approved temporary period of time during which the student is not in attendance but is not considered withdrawn from the university. Students who experience extenuating and unavoidable circumstances that prevent them from maintaining an active status through continuous enrollment must consult with the Office of Student Services to determine whether their circumstances warrant an LOA request and to discuss the impacts of an approved LOA with the Office of Academic Services on their degree/program completion, academic standing, course grades, and conditions for return. Financial aid recipients who wish to request an LOA must also consult with a