Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Anesthesia 2024–2025 139 The clinical curriculum of the program requires students to travel to hospitals to participate in clinical rotations that will consist of days, nights, weekends, and various call shifts. It is the responsibility of each student to have a reliable form of transportation prior to entering the AA program. This expense is the student’s responsibility. Jewelry, Body Piercing, and Tattoos Only appropriate jewelry for professional business attire is permitted. Visible body jewelry, such as rings for the nose, eyebrow, lip, chin, cheek, or tongue, is NOT permitted. Tattoos must be covered by clothing. Electronic Communications Electronic communications, including any form of messaging, posting, texts, blog entries, comments, multimedia content, videos, and emails, must adhere to university and program policy for professionalism, nondiscrimination, and Title IX compliance. This includes activities and communications by, to, or from NSU students using any device on NSU or third-party social media or other sites, if the communications refer to, are addressed to or from, are sent to or from, reference or involve a student, faculty member, or program at NSU. Such communications, if determined to be in violation of said policies, will result in disciplinary action, which may include dismissal from the program and expulsion from NSU. Work submitted as part of class assignments during any didactic or clinical externship courses may not include any identifying information of the patient in conformance with HIPAA regulations. Students may be videotaped in certain academic classes and clinical labs for teaching-learning purposes. Students must sign a release form for videotaping at the time of registration. Students should obtain permission from instructors to videotape or audiotape lectures. Verbal permission is acceptable. To facilitate communication between the student and the program during the clinical externships, the student must provide a cellular phone number to the program clinical coordinator. The expense of the cellular phone and its function will be the student’s responsibility. Additional Specific Policies Students will receive the program’s clinical handbook that will cover respectively all policies, procedures, courses, and rotations appropriate for the curriculum. These handbooks provide more specifics for guidance and governance of the students while in the program. The Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences Student Handbook supersedes the program handbooks if there are direct conflicts, although the program’s handbooks may be more strict and/or detailed. Graduate Certificate in Pre-Anesthesiologist Assistant Studies (Pre-AA Certificate) The Graduate Certificate in Pre-Anesthesiologist Assistant Studies (Pre-AA Certificate) program is uniquely designed for the prospective NSU anesthesiologist assistant (AA) students to strengthen their application and science background. This two-semester certificate program is designed to offer these students the opportunity to demonstrate the academic qualities and gain skills necessary to be admitted to the AA program.