CHCS Student Handbook 2018-2019

74 Health Professions Division 2018–2019 Unexcused absences may result in a written reprimand from the dean or designee with a copy to be placed in the student’s permanent file, which may incur loss of percentage points in the course or failure in the course. Each laboratory, assignment, or examination missed must be made up at the discretion and convenience of the instructor or in accordance with the specific college’s policies. If, in the judgment of the dean, a pattern of absences appears to surface, action may be taken, up to and including failure in the courses involved or dismissal from school. 3. Clinical rotations Attendance while on clinical rotations is mandatory and may follow different procedures and policies according to each college. Students are responsible for referring to their specific college’s policy manual, handbook, clinic policy manual, course syllabi, and any other related distributed policies. 4. Promptness Promptness is another trait a proper health care practitioner must display. Additionally, tardiness in class disturbs both the lecturer and other members of the class and is thus markedly inconsiderate and rude. Classes begin at various times within each college. Any student not seated in his or her assigned seat by the time class begins may be marked absent. Students will await the instructor’s arrival until at least 20 minutes after the specified starting time, unless notified otherwise by an authorized person. Class schedules are issued from time to time as an aid to faculty members and students, but the administration reserves the right to make changes, assign weekend and evening hours, or deviate from published schedules with advanced notice. 5. Religious holidays Absences for major religious and ethnic holidays may be excused at the discretion of each college’s administration. Students are required to obtain approval for their absences one week prior to the holiday. Background Checks Accepted applicants and students are required to authorize the NSU Health Professions Division to obtain background check(s) as per adopted policy of March 2011. If the background check(s) reveal information of concern, which the NSU Health Professions Division may deem unfavorable, HPD will request that the individual provide a detailed written explanation of the information contained in this report, along with appropriate documentation (e.g., police reports). Students may also be required to authorize clinical training facilities that they are assigned to by the Health Professions Division to obtain a background check with the results reported to the clinical training facility. Offers of admission will not be considered final until the completion of the background check(s), with results deemed favorable by the NSU Health Professions Division, and where appropriate, by the clinical training facilities. If information received indicates that the student has provided false or misleading statements, has omitted required information, or in any way is unable to meet the requirements for completion of the program, then the admission may be denied or rescinded, the student may be disciplined or dismissed, or his or her enrollment may be terminated.