Campaign To Preeminence

From the first day I toured campus, I knew NSU was the place I wanted—I needed— to be. It felt safe here, it was beautiful, but, mostly, because I felt welcomed and appreciated. Today, I have mentors and career support that will take me a long way in life.” Joshua Robinson ’22 Information Technology and Business Administration Major I’m working hard to be a board-certified physician. But what keeps me going—and what I strive the most for—is to make sure I’ll be the kind of doctor who makes a positive impact. Being able to go on mission trips to help people overseas in underserved areas—that’s what has given me a taste of the kind of physician I want to be.” Charles de la Rosa, ’23 Second-Year Medical Student, D.O. I’m not sure everyone realizes how many ‘household-name’ psychology researchers and educators are at or affiliated with NSU. Not only that, but there’s a larger professional community, a family—both here on campus and out in the world—that supports and helps you for a lifetime. I’m so proud to be part of the network of mentors and colleagues that make this meaningful work even more rewarding.” Brandi N. Diaz, M.A. ’22 Doctoral Candidate, Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology Specialty Leaving the Marines and reentering civilian life was tougher than I imagined. I knew I wanted to pursue my graduate degree, but I was worried about getting lost in the shuffle at one of the larger state schools. NSU provided me with the support and environment I needed to get my confidence and focus back. I think, especially for men and women coming out of the military, NSU can be our next family and our launching pad for success and happiness here at home.” Abraham Diaz ’21 M.B.A. Graduate “ “ “ “ SCHOLARSHIPS CHANGE LIVES Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional Students Are Better Prepared for Success