NSU 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

360 Nova Southeastern University • Undergraduate Student Catalog • 2014–2015 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ELEM 3533 Science Curriculum For Elementary Education Majors (3 credits) This course explores the preK-12 science curriculum content based upon the Ministry of Education Primary Curriculum guidelines. Attention is given to the connections among science concepts with reference to vertical scope and sequence throughout the grade levels. A particular strand of scientific knowledge is explored each week during which class activities will demonstrate how the early concepts in the particular strand form a foundation of knowledge for the more advanced concepts in the same strand at higher grade levels. There will be a ten hour field experience observing science practiced in a local community school. All discussion and clinical/field experiences will be recorded in a journal as a permanent record of the concepts explored. ELEM 3535 Educational Assessment of Exceptional and Elementary Students (3 credits) Assessment of elementary level students for instructional planning purposes is stressed. Topics include Response to Instruction (RTI) formal and informal evaluation techniques, measurement terminology, as well as the interpretation, application and communication of results to colleagues parents and guardians. In addition to class meetings, a minimum of 10 hours of observation and participation in a clinical setting is required. Prerequisite/s: EDUC 3330, EDUC 3350, EDUC 3360, and ESOL 3340 and passing scores on the General Knowledge Test. ELEM 3540 Principles and Practices of Instruction and Assessment II (3 credits) Explores three pedagogical models usable with all students. The phases of instructional development- planning, implementation, and assessment-provide the framework for exploration of the models. Students are required to apply their knowledge of the pedagogical models by planning, implementing, and assessing lessons in an actual classroom. In addition to class meetings, a minimum of 10 hours of clinical experience are required. Prerequisites: All Block I courses and EDUC 3520. ELEM 3543 Student-centered Instruction and Assessment (Jamaica) (3 credits) Student-centered Instruction and Assessment explores three pedagogical models usable with all students. The phases of instructional development-planning, implementation, and assessment-provide the framework for exploration of the models. Students are required to apply their knowledge of the pedagogical models by planning, implementing, and assessing a lesson in an actual classroom. ELEM 3550 Methods of Teaching Science in the Elementary School (3 credits) The purpose of this course is to examine content and methods for teaching science in the elementary school. You will explore a variety of techniques and reflect on approaches most applicable to teaching and learning when working with students who are typical in learning styles, who are limited in English Proficiency (LEP) or who are exceptional learners. This is an ESOL-infused course. “Hands-on” approaches, resources, materials, technology, and ideas drawn from the student’s experience will be discussed. There will be a Field experience in a community school. Prerequisite/s: 3 credits in a biological science & 3 credits in a physical science. ELEM 4320 Elementary School Classroom Management for Typical and Atypical Learners in Multicultural Classrooms (3 credits) This course examines the knowledge base and repertoire for effective classroom management in the elementary school classroom. Teacher candidates are required to apply their knowledge and repertoire in an actual elementary classroom. This course is ESOL infused and requires ten hours of field experiences. Prerequisites: EDUC 3360, EDUC 3525, and ELEM 3535. ELEM 4330 Mathematics Curriculum for Elementary Education Majors (3 credits) This course examines the pre-K through grade 12 math curriculum content that is based on National Council of Teachers of Mathematics guidelines. Specific attention is given to major math concepts necessary for appropriate scope and sequence in the elementary school curriculum. In addition to class meetings, a minimum of 10 hours of observation and participation in a clinical setting are required. Prerequisites: All Benchmark I & II courses. ELEM 4331 Mathematics Curriculum For Elementary Education Majors (Jamaica) (3 credits) This course explores the modern school mathematics curriculum. Attention is given to the connections among math concepts with reference to vertical scope and sequence throughout the grade levels. A particular strand of mathematical knowledge is explored each week during which class activities will demonstrate how the early concepts in the particular strand form a foundation of knowledge for the more advanced concepts in the same strand at higher grade levels. The student will record the classroom exploration of each strand in a journal as a permanent record of the knowledge composing the mathematics curriculum. ELEM 4340 Methods of Teaching Language Arts (3 credits) This course examines content and teaching strategies for teaching language arts through the use of children’s literature. Emphasis is on the identification of high- quality children’s books and the development of teaching strategies for integrated language arts instruction. Students will implement ESOL strategies in planning and presenting language arts lessons. This is an ESOL