NSU Style Manual and Publications Service Guide

14 em-dash/en-dash/hyphen Use the em-dash (—) to indicate a pause in a sentence, introduce amplifying information, or to set off a series. • Our alumni—successful doctors, lawyers, scientists, and educators—are making an impact in their chosen fields. Use an en-dash (–) between numbers in a series. • He was there from 1980–1984. • We will need three–six children for the class. • She read 10–12 books in a year. Use a hyphen (-) between compound words or to split a word at the end of a line so part of it moves to the next line. • The ocean was a blue-green color. • It was a four-story building. See dash and hyphen in the Guide to Punctuation and Usage on pages 41 and 42. emeritus (m., singular), emerita (f., singular), emeriti (plural) • Abraham Fischler was president emeritus of NSU. • Professor Emerita Mary Smith • The president addressed the professors emeriti. emigrate, immigrate • emigrate from • immigrate to emphasis Resist the urge to emphasize words, as bold, italic, underlined, and uppercase type can be jarring to readers. Do not use multiple type styles for emphasis. If you feel something must be emphasized, ask your designer for suggestions. ensure See assure. et al. An abbreviation for the Latin et alia, meaning “and others,” it is used only in note citations and bibliographies, not in regular text. Each academic unit should follow the rules of its own discipline in terms of note citation and bibliography; hence the type style of et al. may vary across the university’s scholarly publications. etc. This is an abbreviation for the Latin et cetera, meaning “and so forth.” Avoid using this abbreviation, because its vagueness tends to weaken writing. Instead of tacking etc. on the end of a sentence, indicate up front that the list of examples will not be exhaustive. • NOT We will engage in activities such as hiking, fishing, swimming, etc. • BUT Our activities will include hiking, fishing, and swimming. every day (adv.), everyday (adj.) • She goes to work every day. • He is wearing everyday shoes. every one, everyone See any one, anyone. exclamation point See the Guide to Punctuation and Usage on page 42. ex officio No hyphen, two words ext. In accordance with our “down” style of capitalization, we lowercase the abbreviation for extension in telephone listings. Remember to use the five-digit extension, when appropriate. • The H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship can be reached at 800-262-7223, ext. 25100. See also phone numbers.