Physical Therapy Brochure | College of Health Care Sciences

4 | Physical Therapy PHYSICAL THERAPY FACTS Did You Know? More than 204,000 physical therapists practice in the U.S. today. Pursuing a degree in physical therapy makes you a part of the frontline effort to elevate the level of health care for everyone, everywhere. Physical Therapists can • practice in a variety of settings such as ♦ hospitals ♦ private physical therapy outpatient practices ♦ community health centers ♦ nursing homes ♦ pediatric centers ♦ sports facilities ♦ rehabilitation centers ♦ home health agencies ♦ schools, colleges, and universities ♦ research institutions • work as consultants for insurance companies, athletic organizations, and many health-related federal and state organizations • integrate science, medicine, and holistic philosophies when providing interventions for enhanced function and well-being ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS OF THE D.P.T. STUDENT Professional D.P.T. programs have a responsibility to the public to cultivate compe- tent and caring physical therapists capable of providing benefit and doing no harm. Individuals admitted and retained in these programs must possess the intelligence, integrity, compassion, humanitarian concern, physical and emotional capacity, communication skills, and professionalism necessary to practice physical therapy. To this end, all Professional D.P.T. students must meet the requirements outlined in the Essential Functions of the D.P.T. Student document available at healthsciences.nova. edu/ptessentials prior to admission and while matriculating through the programs.