NSU HPD Catalog 2024–2025

152 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine—Couple and Family Therapy Programs different types of losses in later life, paying particular attention to the concepts of anticipatory and disenfranchised grief. Students explore how loss is perceived among older adults from diverse ethnical and cultural backgrounds, paying particular attention to the variety of mourning traditions. In addition, the concept of resilience is introduced inviting students to become curious about diverse stories of healing. Offered fall term. (3 credit hours) SFTD 6200—Internal Practicum I–IV These four supervised clinical courses consist of the application of systemic therapy ideas and practices at the on-site Family Therapy Clinic. Approval is needed to register for Internal Practicum IV. Prerequisites: SFTD 5006, SFTD 5008, SFTD 5300 (3 credit hours each, for a total of 12 credit hours) SFTD 6320—Supervision Practicum Extensive live-supervision and case-consultation experience with clinicians in learning systemic therapies is conducted in the on-site Family Therapy Clinic. Students receive supervision of their supervision of others by AAMFT faculty supervisors. Faculty approval is required. (3 credit hours) SFTD 6321—Fundamentals of Teaching Marriage and Family Therapy This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of teaching marriage and family therapy in both a graduate and undergraduate learning environment. It will cover the distinctions between clinical and theoretical courses and practicum instruction, as well as those designed specifically to prepare students for state licensing examinations. Students will be exposed to the basic elements of syllabus construction, the application of evaluative rubrics, and other evaluative teaching mechanisms. They will also be required to demonstrate skills in course planning and lecture construction and delivery. Offered summer term. (3 credit hours) SFTD 6325—Fundamentals of Supervision in Marriage and Family Therapy This course is designed to critically examine the most current literature in supervision from the field of marriage and family therapy and assist students in the development of their own supervision philosophy. Practical elements of supervision— such as contracts, evaluations, structure, and ethical issues—are taught, along with the examination of the systemic nature of supervision, including isomorphism and diverse contextual variables. This course provides the coursework necessary to become an AAMFT-approved supervisor as well as a Floridastate-qualified supervisor. This course is designed to be taken by advanced doctoral students in their third summer term. (3 credit hours) SFTD 6410—Quantitative Research II This course provides an overview of the principles and techniques of computer-aided data analysis with an introduction to the use of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistics for hypothesis testing. An in-depth look at the theory and assessment of reliability and validity are included. Offered fall term. Prerequisites: SFTD 5007, SFTD 5410 (3 credit hours) SFTD 6430—Qualitative Research I This course focuses on the introduction to qualitative research methodologies and the use of the investigator as the research instrument of choice. Participant observation and interviewing strategies are discussed. Students are introduced to methods for transcribing and organizing interviews and field notes. Exemplary studies from other disciplines are used; however, studies from the family therapy literature, when available, are offered. Offered winter term. Prerequisite: SFTD 5007 (3 credit hours) SFTD 6520—Diversity and Psychosocial Issues Human development in the context of family transitions across the life cycle—such as childbirth, childhood, adolescence, courtship, marriage, maturity, aging, and death—are reviewed. This course focuses on the diversity of psychosocial development across ethnicity, class, gender, race, age, and culture, with discussions and implications for interactional therapies and practices. Offered fall term. Prerequisite: SFTD 6200 I (3 credit hours) SFTD 6550—International Perspectives in Counseling and Therapy This course is designed to review issues relevant to the practice of counseling, therapy, and human services work in an international context. Issues explored include the adaptation of western models of therapy for practice in other countries; immigrant family experiences and the relevance to clinical practice in the U.S.; and global ethical issues in counseling and therapy. Students will learn to become more sophisticated with regard to their understanding of family functioning and the role of counseling and therapy in an international context. Offered summer term. Prerequisites: SFTD 5006, SFTD 5008, SFTD 5009, SFTD 6200 I, II (3 credit hours) SFTD 6558—Couples Therapy: Theory and Application In this course, students will examine their own experiences, biases, and values about couples and working with couples as well as the historical development of couples therapy. Students will learn current clinical approaches to couples therapy and evidence-based models for working with couples. Students will examine current couple and marital research, as well as assessment instruments used for working with couples. Students will examine specific professional, ethical, and legal issues associated with couples work. Issues of diversity and a commitment to multicultural exploration are demonstrated and interwoven throughout all discussions as students explore