NSU HPD Catalog 2024-2025

112 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine—Medical Education Program Course Descriptions MED 0600—Teaching Medical and Other Health Professions Students in a Diverse Learning Environment This course will assist the participants in adapting instruction in their medical area of expertise to the ways in which their individual students learn best. Research in the field of education suggests that students’ academic performance improves when instructors match their instructional strategies to students’ learning styles. The practicum will include guidelines for identifying students’ learning preferences and identifying instructional strategies and environments to address these preferences. (3 credit hours) MED 0620—Technology Resources for Health Professions Education This course will help the student become familiar with current and emerging technologies used to deliver or facilitate instruction. Participants will learn about the various computer technologies used in the classroom as well as other environments where health professions students learn. They will also become familiar with various online resources appropriate to the health professions education process. Experiences in emerging technologies—such as robotic simulation, gaming, and virtual world tools—will be used to create instructional modules within respective health career fields. (3 credit hours) MED 0630—Effective Instruction Strategies in Health Professions Education This course is designed to assist faculty members in the improvement of their teaching skills in formal, informal, and nontraditional settings. Topics addressed include theories, principles, and practices associated with effective education and learning in higher education. Course activities and assignments are designed to encourage participants to develop skills and abilities that enhance the teaching and learning processes. The course will also explore the diversity of student populations within health care education and find practical solutions to current problems. (3 credit hours) MED 0640—Assessment and Measurement in Health Professions Education This course is designed to address the need for health services professionals to understand the principles, use, and applications of assessment and evaluation of learning. The course examines traditional and alternative views of assessment and evaluation, with attention given to the creation of assessment plans, documents, and systems, as well as to the development of assessment instruments to be used to ascertain levels of student understanding. (3 credit hours) MED 0650—Research in Health Professions Education This course will provide an introduction and experience in research methodologies employed in social science research. This project-based course focuses on social science and health professions education research design, scientific method, developing a hypothesis, and conceptualizing and operationalizing variables. The course will also provide an introduction to the four main social scientific research methods: available data, survey research, experiments, and field research. The course will culminate with a final research project that will allow the student to demonstrate mastery of a scientific research protocol and the ability to obtain grant support for a research project. (3 credit hours) MED 0660—Transformative Leadership and Organizational Change in Health Professions Education This course will teach learners effective strategies how to appropriately motivate and influence to create change in their organization. Instruction includes an introduction to the organizational structure of academic health professions programs, institutional effectiveness, educational policy development, and leadership assessment. (3 credit hours)