NSU HPD Catalog 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine—Disaster and Emergency Management Program 95 Disaster and Emergency Management Program Program Overview The Master of Science degree in Disaster and Emergency Management (M.S.) in the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine is an interprofessional degree designed to provide students with the theoretical knowledge and applied skills to be part of the rapidly growing, interdisciplinary field of disaster and emergency management. It will allow students from a variety of disciplines to specialize in one of several concentrations (all of which have a community research practicum at the local, regional, state, federal, or international level as a key component). The program is available online and will incorporate interactive and synchronous activities, including live, online class sessions. In addition, all students in the program will be required to participate in a final presentation of their research at the conclusion of their studies. The optional concentrations for the Master of Science degree include maritime safety and security, cybersecurity, criminal justice, public health, environmental hazards, and fire administration. Distinct concentrations will allow the students to apply the principles of emergency management to these areas of particular interest and need. The M.S. in Disaster and Emergency Management is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills, along with basic research application in the field that will help them to acquire the competencies as outlined by the FEMA Emergency Management Higher Education Program and prepare them to work in an all-hazards preparedness environment. Disaster management is a critical challenge and responsibility of government, businesses, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and health care agencies and institutions. Response to disasters begins long before the disaster occurs, involving pre-disaster planning, mid-disaster operations, and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. A successful response can only be carried out through the coordinated efforts of all levels of government, the public and private sector stakeholders, and nongovernmental organizations, as well as the involvement of faith-based organizations. The program will help meet the need for trained emergency management professionals at local, state, national, and international levels. The Master of Science in Disaster and Emergency Management not only develops the skills in leadership needed, but facilitates students in gaining specialized training in emergency management and disaster response related to: 1) maritime safety and security, 2) cybersecurity, 3) criminal justice, 4) public health, 5) environmental hazards, and/or 6) fire administration. With the increased threat of terrorism, law enforcement and public health personnel need additional training in the areas of response and recovery and fire fighters need additional skills to oversee their departments in this new landscape. As the threats of cyber-theft, cyber-crime, cyber-fraud, and cyberwarfare continue to increase, computer and IT professionals need additional training in protecting our nation’s assets and infrastructure. In addition, as the incidents of piracy on the high seas continue to grow and the potential for terrorists to attack our ports becomes more imminent, maritime security has become a high priority. As natural hazards continue to increase, environmental and meteorological experts are being called upon more and more for their input related to these disasters. This degree program fits the mission of NSU in that it provides an “accessible distance learning” program while “fostering intellectual inquiry, leadership, and commitment to community through engagement of students” by providing an online curriculum that is convenient, but also offers ample student and faculty member engagement. The program fosters community involvement by requiring a community research capstone project. The curriculum also supports the mission of the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine for “producing compassionate and ethical lifelong learners and advocating for the health and welfare of diverse patient populations” through its specialty concentration in public health, while the overarching goal of the degree to prepare communities to be more prepared and resilient to disasters serves the overall general health and welfare of all. Program Objectives By creating a cadre of individuals who interact with the public and private sectors, the program in disaster and emergency management can help to create an environment in which allhazards initiatives include preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery as the standard. Students who graduate from this program will achieve the following program objectives: • provide leadership skills to individuals entering the field of emergency management and disaster response • demonstrate leadership skills in planning for and responding to disaster and emergency situations (both natural and man-made) • i dentify, describe, and respond to the types of threats and risks associated with natural and man-made disasters • d emonstrate the skills to conduct a comprehensive vulnerability risk assessment at the community, county, state, and national levels • d emonstrate knowledge and skills of available tools and resources for disaster and emergency planning and response