Horizons Fall 2016

ADVANCING SCIENCE RESEARCHING SOLUTIONS CHAMPIONING CHILDREN UNLEASHING TALENT BUILDING CONFIDENCE IMAGINING POSSIBILITIES FULFILLING DREAMS FINISHING STRONG SAVING SEA LIFE REDEFINING CARE ACHIEVING GREATNESS DESIGNING TOOLS SERVING COMMUNITY 08-052-16NOM realizingpotential.nova.edu The Campaign for Nova Southeastern University WITH YOUR SUPPORT , WE’RE CHANGING LIVES FOR GENERATIONS TO COME Members of the 1964 Society help Nova Southeastern University meet the challenges of tomorrow by leaving a legacy for future generations of students and scholars. The 1964 Society connects individuals with the university and establishes a meaningful and lasting relationship with donors and their families. JOIN BY DECEMBER 31, 2016, TO BE A FOUNDING MEMBER For more information, please contact Andrea Darlow, Director of Development for Legacy Gifts, at (954) 262-2135 or at adarlow@nova.edu . Join us today in Realizing Potential . WHAT WILL BE YOUR LEGACY?