College of Pharmacy Student Handbook 2023-2024

122 Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy 2023–2024 of a student complaint at each administrative level, listed below, will be carried out as expediently as possible. If the student is not satisfied with the decision, the student may appeal to the next administrative level. If the student chooses to continue to appeal, this must be done, in writing, within 10 business days (excluding school holidays and weekends) of the date the decision was rendered. No administrative grade changes will be accepted 60 days after the grade is recorded (unless a grade review is still active). A student experiencing difficulty in negotiating the grading dispute appeals process should seek guidance from a college administrator. Classroom Grade A student seeking to appeal a decision regarding a classroom grade should seek solutions through the following administrative channels by entering at the appropriate level and proceeding in the order stated: 1. course instructor 2. course coordinator 3. department chair 4. associate dean of the student’s program 5. dean (final level of appeal) Experiential Grade Pharm.D. students seeking to appeal a decision regarding an experiential grade should seek solutions through the following administrative channels by entering at the appropriate level and proceeding in the order stated: 1. preceptor of record 2. director of Experiential Education 3. associate dean of Professional Program 4. dean (final level of appeal) Nongrading-Related Grievance(s) Any student has the right to seek redress of a nongrading-related grievance(s) with immunity from disciplinary action or retaliation. (See Regulations of Title VI, Title IX, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.) Silverman College of Pharmacy students must follow the procedures outlined below. 1. The student will present the grievance to the assistant dean of Student Services, or designee, to work with the faculty member to affect a resolution of the problem. If unable to reach a resolution to the problem, the assistant dean of Student Services, or designee, will then consult with the chair of the department or the assistant dean of the student’s campus, if applicable. If the chair/ assistant dean cannot affect a resolution, the grievance should be moved to the associate dean of the student’s program. In the event a suitable resolution is not achieved, the student will be advised to move the grievance to the Student Professional Conduct Committee (SPCC).