2021 - 2022 COM Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Graduate Certificate in Social Medicine Program 2021–2022 399 Dishonesty, unethical behavior, or other designated inappropriate conduct shall not be tolerated. It is not possible to enumerate all forms of inappropriate behavior, some of which could raise serious questions concerning a student’s ability to continue in the academic program. Below, however, are the general rules and policies that shall apply to all students. A. Academic Dishonesty The college holds its students to the highest standards of intellectual integrity. Therefore, any student attempting to take any examination by improper means, presenting work that he or she has not performed, aiding and abetting any other student in any dishonest academic act, or having direct knowledge of such without reporting it may subject the offending student to a meeting before the SPAC and subsequent dismissal from the college. Students shall be afforded the opportunity for an internal and private (no nonuniversity participants) meeting with the SPAC in matters relevant to academic dishonesty. B. Attendance Each student holds the responsibility for attending classes and abiding by the specific enforcement policies regarding attendance within a course, whether the course is offered in the classroom or via a distance-learning format. This includes policies and penalties for unexcused absences and nonparticipation within the parameters of the HPD. If missed assignments or examinations are to be made up, they will be done at the sole discretion of the course director. C. Student Assistance Program See HPD Policies and Procedures section for Student Assistance Program. D. Failure to Report a Violation Every member of the college community (e.g., students, administrators, faculty members, and employees) has the duty to file a complaint with the SPAC whenever it is felt a substantial violation of the code has occurred. Failure to report a violation of the code is itself a violation. All members of the college community have an affirmative duty to participate in the inquiry or investigative complaint process. E. Illegal, Inappropriate, and Unprofessional Behavior No student shall display disorderly conduct; public intoxication; or lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior on the campus or at any college-sponsored or college-supervised function or event. No student shall intentionally or recklessly endanger or threaten the mental or physical health or well-being of any other member of the college community or any visitor to the campus. Students who exhibit illegal, inappropriate, or unprofessional behavior will be referred to the SPAC and/or proper authorities for disciplinary action and may be subject to dismissal.