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COM Outlook . Summer 2012
Wha t per sona l and pro f ess i ona l
achievements are you the proudest
One of the best professional
achievements I contribute to is the ability
to graduate residents each year that are not
only quality individuals but are exceptional
in their surgical ability to performminimally
invasive laparoscopic and robotic surgery. I
consider this accomplishment oneway I can
give back to the profession that trainedme.
One personal achievement I am proud of is
the ability to recognize that patience and
compassion will allow you to be the best
person you can be each day to help other
people despite the many challenges and
obstacles that need to be overcome.
Why did you decide to write your books
Overcome What Your Brain Cannot
Think Smarter Not Harder
One of the
most gratifying things I can do for others is
to share what I have clinically experienced
and learned. The reason I wrote the book
Overcome What Your Brain Cannot
is to
inform people that it is possible to achieve
significant clinical improvement even
after no further clinical improvement is
considered possible. This is especially true
if your body has physically healed but your
brain failed to recognize you improved. The
result is that youwill continue to experience
ongoing symptoms that do not benefit your
wellbeing. This is because your brain is
instinctively responding to an illness, injury,
or trauma that is not even present.
The contents of this bookdeal with this form
of injury. This book redefines our clinical
understanding and treatment of many
illnesses, including stroke, fibromyalgia,
neuralgia, chronic pain, neuropathy, and
memory loss, as well as many physical and
emotional injuries. The message contained
in this book is revolutionary in its approach
to understanding nonstructural brain
injury, including nonstructural neurologic
diagnosis and treatment.
My new book,
Think Smarter Not Harder
al lows the reader to gain a clearer
understanding that will enable him or
her to correctly interpret and successfully
respond to many of life’s most challenging
di ff iculties. It wi l l also enhance the
reader ’s ability to be in control using
the simple truth that is present in the
complex challenges that he or she needs
to overcome. Recognizing this simple
truth will give the reader a competitive
advantage in life to achieve the success
he or she desires. This book also allows
a person to look inward so that he or
she will begin to discover what needed
improvements are missing in his or
her life. This knowledge will enhance
a person’s ability to be good enough,
to overcome past mi stakes , and to
experience a more meaningful life of
purpose and appreciation.
“One of the
most fulfilling aspects
of being a physician is using your
ability to critically think beyond what you learned in order to arrive at creative
medical solutions to help those individuals that are unable to clinically improve.
The statement ‘If it isn’t broken then do not fix it’ is really an open challenge
to advance medicine. When you recognize that much of what we were taught
was really broken, then you create the opportunity to seek out new solutions to
improve and advance medicine.” - Dr. RICHARD HERMAN
Dr . R i chard Herman