Health Professions Division Dissertation Guide

33 Chapter 1: Problem and Domain of Inquiry See the explanation for the suggested headings in this chapter. Differences between the proposal and the final paper will be noted. Chapter 1: Problem and Domain of Inquiry There will be a paragraph here under the chapter identifier. Do not include an “Introduction” heading or subheading for this content. This paragraph’s position in the paper and the fact that it is introductory is understood. This paragraph (or two) will contain the introductory information that provides a background of the problem. This content may have statistical data that supports that a problem exists. This paragraph explains the details about the study, which should make a natural bridge to the problem statement. For Chapter 1, the tense is usually the same for the proposal and the final report. Use the present tense. Use the past tense when referring to studies from the literature. Use the present tense when discussing general information that was true in the past and is true in the present. Problem Statement The problem statement should not be more than a few sentences that are specific and to the point, which explains why the candidate’s study is important. The topic of interest, the population of interest, and the significance of the topic or how it is problematic are identified in this section. The problem statement is a natural bridge to the purpose of the study. Purpose of the Study The purpose should not be more than a few sentences. The purpose of qualitative research varies, depending on the research method and the associated assumptions. The study should be designed as an inquiry process to describe or interpret a social or human phenomenon studied in the natural environment. Rich, descriptive data obtained from using qualitative research methods helps to illuminate language, lived experiences, essence, values, and culture through the use of multiple ways of knowing. Research Questions How the research questions are stated will depend on the research tradition used. For instance, ethnography always asks how ; phenomenology asks what . Research Question 1 Research Question 2 Add the research questions as appropriate to the study Significance of the Study Explain the expected contributions of the study to knowledge in the following arenas: Education Practice Research