Health Professions Division Dissertation Guide

29 Dissertation Final Report Details of Front Matter Candidates will use the most current APA/AMA style in the dissertation report unless in conflict with dissertation formatting guidelines contained in this document. If a newer APA Publication Manual / AMA Manual of Style edition becomes available after candidates have started writing the report (chapters 4 and 5), then candidates may continue to use the APA/AMA manual that chapters 1, 2, and 3 followed. Copyright Permissions Inclusion of any copyrighted materials must have letters of permission from the holder of the copyright to use in the dissertation study. In addition, if the candidate seeks to include copyrighted materials in the final dissertation report, separate permission to from the holder of the copyright must also be obtained and included in the final report in order to include this material in the final dissertation report. The candidate should prepare himself or herself with information in the pamphlet, Copyright Law and the Doctoral Dissertation: Guidelines to your Legal Rights and Responsibilities available from ProQuest/UMI. Typeface and Font The preferred APA typeface is Times New Roman with 12-point font size throughout the manuscript. AMA allows Times New Roman, 12-point font, but suggests that the candidate follow the guidelines for the journal the manuscript will be submitted to. Margins If the final dissertation report will be bound, the left margin is 1.5 inches to allow for binding. Otherwise, if only an electronic version will be submitted, the left margin will be one inch. The top margin of the first page of each new chapter and all other margins (right side and bottom) are 1 inch. All text, including tables and figures, must fit within the 6” by9” image area created by the margins for an 8.5 x 11 inch page. If needed, landscape orientation can be used for tables. It is the candidate’s responsibility to check the margins to make sure they conform to the required margins. Title and signature pages have specific directions noted on them. Useonly left justification for body of the dissertation . Spacing All text should be double-spaced with the following exceptions: • Title Page. • Signature Page. • Table of Contents. • Tables and Figures should be single-spaced in the body of the paper, including table and text figure captions, legends, and notes. Appendices will have the appropriate appendix identifier and title. • The item being appended itself does not have to be in APA or AMA style. The item being appended needs to fit within the margins and to allow the appendix identifier and the title of the appendix to be the first two lines on the page. Page Numbers The front matter pages are not numbered. Start the page numbering with page one of Chapter 1. Use the format for APA/AMA style as per the program. Title Page