CHCS Student Handbook 2019-2020

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences—Department of Occupational Therapy 2019–2020 191 Terry Building. The SharkCard provides access to all buildings, libraries, and the fitness center located in the Don Taft University Center. Each year, the NSU SharkCard provides students with $75 toward printing costs associated with printing at the computer labs on campus. Academic Advising and Administrative Support The department has a policy and procedure in place for academic advising. Prior to the mandatory orientation weekend, the program director assigns an academic advisor to each student; an initial meeting between student advisees and their an academic advisor occurs at a dedicated session during orientation. The role of an academic advisor is to provide students with assistance and support to attain the most from their educational experiences; provide academic guidance, direction, and encouragement; monitor the overall progress; and identify appropriate resources. Each student should schedule a meeting with his or her advisor through their on-campus institute and/or, as necessary, via videoconferencing. Each student’s academic advisor, being aware of many valuable resources, can assist in every facet of the program if the student is having problems that might interfere with his or her studies or progress. Students should not hesitate to contact their advisor for needs related to academics or policy. Also, it is expected that students will respond to any email communication from his or her academic advisor within 24 hours of receipt. Students can access the current policy and procedure on student advising in the O.T.D. Student Center. Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to develop a relationship with their adviser, and be proactive in their academic preparation. Essential Functions Most educational programs have technical standards or essential function policies that guide and protect the program and its students regarding reasonable expectations for admission, retention, and graduation. Essential functions, as distinguished from fund of knowledge standards, refer to those abilities required for satisfactory completion of all aspects of a curriculum, including clinical education and the development of professional attributes required of all students at graduation. The Entry-Level O.T.D. program has a responsibility to the public to assure that its graduates can become fully competent and caring occupational therapists who are capable of providing benefit and doing no harm. Individuals admitted and retained in the O.T.D. program must possess the intelligence, integrity, compassion, humanitarian concerns, physical and emotional capacity, cognitive and communication skills, and professionalism necessary to practice occupational therapy. To this end, all Entry-Level O.T.D. students must meet the requirements outlined in the O.T.D. program’s Essential Functions Policy for Admission, Retention, and Graduation. Find the O.T.D. Essential Functions document at healthsciences. . Authorship Credit and Order Guidelines and Policy • Principal authorship, order of authorship, and other publication credits should accurately reflect the relative scientific, technical, professional, or scholarly contributions of the individuals involved. • No authorship credit should be given to someone whose suggestion/idea/feedback may have influenced a project, but did not actively participate in project development and implementation. This person could be acknowledged as described in bullet five (following). • Authorship is not merited solely for administrative support, financial contribution, or a supervisor/ adviser’s position.