Center for Applied Research on Substance Use and Health Disparities

4 MISSION STATEMENT The pr inc ipal mi ssion of the Center for Appl ied Research on Substance Use and Heal th Di spar i t ies (ARSH) i s the product ion, di sseminat ion, and ut i l i zat ion of sc ient i f i c knowledge in the areas of substance abuse, heal th r i sk behav ior s , and heal th di spar i t ies among vulnerable populat ions . Areas of spec ial interest inc lude:  The et iology, pat terns and consequences , and prevent ion and t reatment of drug and al cohol abuse;  The epidemiology of HIV/AIDS and other sexual l y t ransmi t ted infect ions, and the prevent ion of such infect ions among highl y vulnerable populat ions ;  The prevalence and pat terns of heal th di spar i t ies among af fected subpopulat ions, and the development and test ing of new approaches to inter vent ion. ARSH i s located in the School of Cr iminal Just i ce wi thin the Abraham S. Fi schler Col lege of Educat ion. The Center i s headed by Dr. Steven P. Kur tz (Ph.D. in Soc iology f rom Flor ida Internat ional Uni ver si ty) . In addi t ion to an of f i ce on the NSU main campus in For t Lauderdale, ARSH maintains i ts pr imar y admini st rat i ve and research f ield of f i ce in Miami .