Center for Applied Research on Substance Use and Health Disparities

21 COMMUNITY SERVICE Co-Chai r, Sur vei l lance Suppor t Commi t tee, Uni ted Way of Broward County Commi ssion on Behav ioral Heal th and Drug Prevent ion. Ft . Lauderdale, Flor ida. Member, Jef fer son -Berkeley Al l iance on Substance Abuse Prevent ion. Char les Town, West Vi rginia. Opiate Epidemi c Communi ty Response Team, Uni ted Way of Broward County Commi ssion on Behav ioral Heal th and Drug Prevent ion. Ft . Lauderdale, Flor ida. Subject Mat ter Exper t , Miami -Dade County HIV/AIDS “Get t ing to Zero” Task Force. Miami , Flor ida.