Center for Applied Research on Substance Use and Health Disparities

7 PUBLICATIONS Peer Rev iewed Pub l i cat ions But t ram, Mance E. and Steven P. Kur tz . 2016 . “Al ternate Routes of Admini st rat ion among Prescr ipt ion Op ioid Mi suser s and Assoc iat ions wi th Sexual HIV Transmi ss ion Ri sk Behav ior s . ” Journal of Psychoact i ve Drugs . [onl ine ahead of pr int ] DOI : 10.1080/02791072.2016.1187319. But t ram, Mance E. and Steven P. Kur tz . 2016 . “Pre l iminar y Ev idence of HIV Seroconver s ion among HIV -negat i ve Men Who Have Sex Wi th Men Tak ing Non -prescr ibed Ant i ret rov i ral Med i cat ion for HIV Prevent ion in Miami , F lor ida, USA . ” Sexual Heal th . [onl ine ahead of pr int ] . DOI :10.1071/SH16108. Iwani cki , Janet ta, Geof f Sever tson, Heather Mcdaniel , Andrew Rosenblum, Chunki Fong, Theodore Ci cero, Mat thew El l i s, Steven P. Kur tz , Mance E. But t ram and Ri chard C. Dar t . In press. “Abuse and Di ver s ion of Immed iate Re lease Op ioid Analges i cs as Compared to Ex tended Re lease Formulat ions in the Uni ted States . ” Plos One. Kur tz , Steven P. and Mance E. But t ram. 2016. “Mi sunder standing of Pre - Exposure Prophy lax i s Use among MSM: Pub l i c Heal th and Pol i cy Imp l i cat ions. ” [onl ine ahead of pr int ] LGBT Heal th. DOI : 10.1089/ lgbt .2015.0069