Center for Applied Research on Substance Use and Health Disparities

31 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Rev iewer, Behav ioral and Soc ial Sc ience Approaches to Prevent ing HIV/AIDS Study Sect ion (BSPH) , Nat ional Inst i tutes of Heal th. Rev iewer, Aveni r Award Program for Research on Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS, Nat ional Inst i tute on Drug Abuse. Rev iew Board, Internat ional AIDS Soc iety and Nat ional Inst i tute on Drug Abuse Joint Fel lowship Programme encouraging HIV and drug use research. Nat ional Inst i tute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) : Sc ient i f i c Adv i sor y Group, and South Flor ida Sent inel Si te Epidemiologi st , Nat ional Drug Ear l y Warning System. Lead Anal yst and Co -Chai r, Flor ida’ s State Epidemiology and Outcomes Work Group, Flor ida Depar tment of Chi ldren and Fami l ies. Col lege on Problems of Drug Dependence Credent ial s Commi t tee. Col lege on Problems of Drug Dependence Under -Represented Populat ions Commi t tee.