Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2023–2024 35 Students have opportunities to raise concerns about exams or ask specific questions by contacting the block, course, or clerkship director. Exam results will be posted online without student identification, and students will receive their results individually. Block and course directors are expected to use a variety of performance measures in addition to the secure, web-administered, objective exams. The performance measures and percentage contribution to the final grade in each block, course, or clerkship are described in the syllabus. To the degree possible, exams for concurrent courses will be scheduled so exams do not compete with other learning activities. Required Formative Assessments Throughout the blocks, courses, and clerkships in all four years of medical school, students are provided with regular, formative feedback on their performance. This feedback takes the form of narrative feedback by faculty members and peers and a range of other assessments, such as practice tests on course content. Block, course, and clerkship directors are expected to ensure structured formative feedback to students early enough to allow sufficient time for remediation. For short blocks, courses, or clerkships (less than four weeks), formal feedback is not required, but some method of assisting students to assess their learning is expected. The NBME Comprehensive Basic Science Examination ( /comp_basicsci.html) is administered during the RIA Week at the end of the preclerkship curriculum. Although the results do not impact student grades, this is a required exam, and students are expected to use their best efforts in taking the exam. The purpose of this exam is for students to self-assess their preparation and guide their study for USMLE Step 1 exam. Class Standing and Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) NSU MD does not report class standing (rank) of individual students internally or to outside entities (e.g., on the MSPE). NSU MD, however, does calculate class standing based on performance in both the preclerkship blocks/courses and the required core clinical clerkships. Class standing is used solely to determine eligibility for Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA), the national honor society for medical students, and any other honors or awards based on academic excellence. Performance in the preclerkship blocks/ courses is based on the cumulative numeric scores listed in the student’s final grading and competency reports. Performance in clerkships is based on final clerkship grades (HH/Honors, HP/High Pass, P/Pass). Policy on Recusal from Academic Evaluation of Students by Faculty Members It is the policy of NSU MD that faculty members • who provide health, medical, or psychiatric/psychological services to a student • who have a close personal or familial relationship with a student