2017 UG Commencement Program

N ova S outheastern U niversity 2017 U ndergraduate C ommencement C eremony of the A braham S. F ischler C ollege of E ducation C ollege of A rts , H umanities , and S ocial S ciences C ollege of E ngineering and C omputing C ollege of H ealth C are S ciences C ollege of N ursing C ollege of P sychology F arquhar H onors C ollege H almos C ollege of N atural S ciences and O ceanography H. W ayne H uizenga C ollege of B usiness and E ntrepreneurship D on T aft U niversity C enter D avie , F lorida Friday, the Twelfth of May, Two Thousand and Seventeen