Page 13 - OI2T Share Newsletter

Basic HTML Version

Web Development Team
T’s Web Team is charged with the
task of developing and maintaining
NSU’s web presence. This includes the
main NSU web site, departmental web
sites, and several college/school sites.
The Web Team works with informa-
tion providers in departments, colleges
and schools throughout the university
to keep web site content up-to-date. If
you have any questions, please email
To request services from the Office of Innovation and Information
Technologies Services, please email all request to i2tinfo@nova.
edu. For further information and direction, please contact OI
central office at (954) 262-4910.
Some simple links to help
you learn.
he Th r ea t Exp l o r e r i s a
comp r ehens i ve r esou r ce
f o r da i l y, accu r a t e and up- t o -
da t e i n f o rma t i on on t he l a t es t
t h r ea t s , r i sks and vu l ne r ab i l i t i es .
Syman t i c “Th r ea t Exp l o r e r “L i s t :
h t t p : / /www. syman t ec . com/ secu-
r i t y_ r esponse / t h r ea t exp l o r e r /
o r t he l a t es t i n secu r i t y
f o l l ow t he l i nks be l ow.
Secu r i t y Bu l l e t i n and Adv i so r y
I n f o rma t i on Mi c r oso f t TechNe t
Secu r i t y Cen t e r : h t t p : / / t echne t .
mi c r oso f t . com/ en-us / secu r i t y /
de f au l t . aspx
o go t he webpage t ha t
ou t l i nes secu r i t y upda t es f o r
App l e p r oduc t s go t o t he f o l l ow-
i ng l i nk . App l e Secu r i t y Upda t es :
h t t p : / / suppo r t . app l e . com/ kb /
HT1222?v i ewl oca l e=en_US
Technical Support
Technical Support Services (TSS) is
responsible for the installation and main-
tenance of PC hardware, software, desk-
top antivirus systems, printers, scanners,
and other peripheral equipment of the
university’s administrative offices.
If you are having a technical issue with
any NSU supplied hardware/software,
please contact OI
T Technical Support
department at (954) 262-4900.
Computing Facilities
Computing Facilities and Field Engineer-
ing designs, maintains, and supports all
computer labs, electronic classrooms,
and smart classrooms on all campuses
and student educational centers. The de-
partment provisions software and teach-
ing tools for faculty members, students,
staff members and other lab patrons and
conducts tutoring sessions for students
needing assistance with software skills.
If you have any questions or concerns,
please contact 954-262-4700.
Technology Training
The Technology Training team offers
Blackboard, Microsoft Office Applica-
tions, and Administrative Systems
courses in multiple formats.
You may view the training calendar as
well as sign up for courses by clicking
on the link below:
index.html (use your NSU login and
password to login)