Donation Refund Policy

Event Registrations

Refunds for event tickets may be given to registered guests who are unable to attend an event if notification is received via email to, or by telephone (954‐262‐2174) within the refund window for the event as stipulated by the event organizer. The refund window may not be less than 48 hours before the event. Registrants who provide notification after the refund window has closed, or are no‐shows the day of the event, are asked to honor their commitment to offset the cost of the event. Guests may make guest substitutions for their reservations. No refunds will be offered for goods and or services provided.



Donations are not refundable. If you have made an error while making your donation to Nova Southeastern University, we will honor your request to amend the amount within 48 hours of your donation. To notify us of a change that needs to be made, call 954‐262‐2118 or email

Due to circumstances beyond our control there may be instances where the university may determine alternative uses for the gift that best meets the original intent of the donor. We will keep donors apprised of those situations.

You may contact our Assistant Vice President of Development & Alumni Engagement to discuss changing the purpose of your donation. Please remember that any changes to your donation may have tax implications. Please consult your tax advisor prior to requesting any adjustments.