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Steps on publishing/unpublish content


To publish/unpublish a module, or any content within a module:
  1. Click the checkmark to the right  (green means published publish-is-on.png, gray means unpublishedunpublished.png

To lock Modules until a certain date:
  1. Click the menu (3 dot) button next to the module and click Edit.

  2. Check ‘Lock Until’, and set a date
  3. Click Update Module
To edit Assignment, Discussions or Quiz availability dates:
  1. Edit the item and scroll to the 'Assign to' settings
  2. Set the 'Available from' and 'Until' and dates (as well as due date) as applicable*

  3. Click Save

*Note that you can have multiple 'Assigns', so the dates may be different for groups or sections if necessary

To delay Announcements:
  1. Edit the announcement
  2. Check ‘Delay posting’ and set a date
  3. Click Save
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