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Forum Speakers

Kenneth Ginsburg, M.D., FAAP

Raising Resilient Children

Kenneth Ginsburg

Kenneth Ginsburg, M.D., is a nationally recognized pediatrician specializing in Adolescent Medicine at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and an associate professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He also serves as director of Health Services at Covenant House of Philadelphia, a shelter for homeless and disenfranchised youth. Dr. Ginsburg uses a medical model that encourages adolescents to develop their own strengths, competencies and resilience. Dr. Ginsburg has received numerous national, state and academic humanitarian awards.

Dr. Ginsburg aims to start a national dialogue among parents and children of all ages to redefine perceptions of success and evaluate the significant physical and emotional damage that stress and everyday pressures can have on development. He seeks to create strategies to raise resilient children who are capable of dealing with life's difficulties and who learn from personal defeats.

He is the author of A Parent's Guide to Building Resilience in Children and Teens, and But I'm Almost 13!: An Action Plan for Raising a Responsible Adolescent.

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