Human Resources Exit Survey

Nova Southeastern University values your opinion and would like to know more about why you are leaving the university or your current position.

Therefore, as part of our quality improvement efforts, the Office of Human Resources would appreciate your time in completing the Exit Survey. Your comments will be confidential and will provide Human Resources with valuable information regarding your work experience and will assist us in building a better work environment for our employees.

Please take a few minutes to fill out the Exit Survey below.

We thank you for your service to the University and wish you the best in your future endeavors.
Job Title
Termination or Transfer Month
Termination or Transfer Date
Termination or Transfer Year
1Are you resigning from Nova Southeastern University (NSU)?
2Are you transferring to another NSU department or position?
3If you are leaving the university, did you explore the possibility of another position within NSU?
4Which of the following best describes how long you worked for NSU?
5Which of the following category best describes the most recent position you held with NSU?
6What was the primary reason for transferring or leaving NSU?
Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following:
7Are you staying in the same field?
8My job was accurately described to me during the interview process and reflected my job duties?
9My knowledge, skills, and abilities were effectively utilized
10I received sufficient training
11My work load was manageable
12I had the tools and resources I needed to perform my job effectively
13I was given the opportunity to develop and improve my professional skills
14My supervisor was effective in managing people
15My supervisor communicated effectively
16My performance expectations were made clear to me
17I received timely and honest performance feedback from my supervisor
18My supervisor expressed appreciation and recognition for my efforts and the work I performed
19My supervisor demonstrated fair and equitable treatment to all employees
20My supervisor was consistent in administering policies and procedures
21I would be willing to work for my current supervisor again
22I received support from senior leadership within my department when needed
23I was satisfied with my health benefits
24I was satisfied with NSU’s Retirement Plan
25I valued NSU’s Tuition Waiver benefit
26I understood my benefit options
27I knew where to find information about my benefits
28Were there any benefits you would have liked to see added?
29The Executive Office effectively communicated information that was pertinent to all employees
30I believe that NSU cares about their employees
31I would consider working for NSU again
32Would you like to discuss the content of this form with a representative of Human Resources?
 If so, what is the best way to reach you?
33Are there any additional comments you would like to share with us?